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Short film on the wonder of the birth November 9, 2017

Our latest short film presents the first minutes and hours of the elephant calf who was born on Wednesday: you can see the moment of the birth, the mother’s kick-like movements (which are completely normal), and the first tremulous steps of the newborn.

Yesterday we already reported that the keenly awaited baby elephant was born in the hours of dawn. The process was obviously caught on camera using the CCTV installed in the “birthing room”. We compiled the following short film from this recording, showing the direct prequel to the birth and the birth itself. You can see the specific behaviour shown by the mother, which might be of concern at first since it seems that the mother is kicking the newly-born offspring. However, this behaviour is completely normal for elephants under the circumstances. The mother does not hurt the newborn baby; instead, this act serves the purpose of helping the little one to get rid of the amniotic sac stuck on it. Apart from this, it serves as encouragement for the baby to try to stand on its feet.

Although there might be elephants that are hostile to newborns, Angele is however quite the opposite. She is a very caring mother, and even her movements show that she is rather experienced.

It is worth observing Asha, Angele’s previous offspring, who is nearly five year old now and who is the older sister of the new baby. Her behaviour shows no aggression, just excitement, and she is rather curious about her little sibling. When she carries curiosity too far, Angele gently shows her what is allowed and what is not.

The newborn was already standing on its feet 40 minutes after the birth, which is a pretty good time. This short film shows the firsttremulous steps and the sometimes unusual feet posture, also showing that the little one is not quite balanced at that age.