Opening hours

M-F:9am-6pm Sa-Su:9am-7pm


Adult: 5000 HUF Children:  3500 HUF

The “Hedgehog” Animal Rescue Centre has opened November 20, 2018

The Zoo has been involved in rescuing injured birds and small mammals for a long time. In our new Rescue Centre the public can view the entire rescue process.

As part of its extensive nature protection work, the Budapest Zoo has been involved in rescuing specimens of native protected wild species that need human assistance for some reason for decades. We mean storks with broken wings, poisoned eagles, orphaned baby squirrels and other rescued animals. We heal injured and sick animals, raise up orphaned ones and make the weak strong again so they are able to survive later without any human assistance. And when we succeed, we release them into their natural habitat. We receive some 1500-2000 rescue animals each year; the majority of them are birds, but there are also many small mammals amongst them, and we even have turtles and reptiles and amphibians needing our protection.

The "Hedgehog" Animal Rescue Centre, opened this August, is the centre of these rescue efforts. The facility has been designed to let the public to have an insight in the rescue work. Vets examining and healing the animals, as well as the keepers taking care of them, can be seen at work via a glass wall.